A curated collection of fine vintage apparel and accessories for film, theatre and everyday wear - Please note any orders placed after 11th October will be shipped on 29th October 2024.
A curated collection of fine vintage apparel and accessories for film, theatre and everyday wear - Please note any orders placed after 11th October will be shipped on 29th October 2024.
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Insider Secrets Of A Vintage Store — Plus size vintage

Vintage Identification Myths Rebuked

1920s 1930s 1940s 1950s dating dating vintage Feedsack identifiation myths overlocking Plus size vintage serging vintage vintage advertising vintage clothing vintage identification vintage shopping vintage style zipper

Vintage Identification Myths Rebuked

Anyone who buys and wears vintage clothing will be quite familiar with a number of rules of the thumb for identifying and dating clothing. However, are they as generally applicable as we all think? We look here at a number of myths surrounding vintage clothing, which we feel everyone needs to be aware of.

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How to Shop at Vintage Events

how to buy vintage Plus size vintage shopping tips vintage vintage events vintage fashion vintage shopping vintage store

How to Shop at Vintage Events

I’m sure you all are as pleased as we are to be back at events being able to shop in person. But after a few years of missing out on events, it can all feel a bit overwhelming when you are faced with several halls full of delicious vintage. So here are our top tips to help you shop like a pro at events!

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